
The height of the Victorian Plane Tree that I have chosen for this project is approximately 30 metres. I know this because I went to the roof of my block of flats and I know the height of the building is 30 metres, and the highest point of the tree was in line with the top of the building. This tree is one of the tallest of its kind in London.
The circumference of the trunk at a height 1.5 metres above the ground is approximately 3 metres. I measured this by wrapping a tape measure around the trunk.
The distance from the tip of the longest branch to the tip of the longest branch on the opposite side is approximately 20 metres. I know this because I stood directly underneath the tip of longest branch on one side and measured the distance from there to the trunk of the tree (approx. 11 metres). I then did the same thing underneath the tip of longest branch on the other side (approx. 8 metres). I then added the measurements together and then added the diameter of the trunk (approx. 1 metre) to get a total of 20 metres.
It is important to note that every few years tree cutters trim the branches, which means the tree would be a lot bigger had it been untouched.
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